Government Bursaries for 2013

The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs is currently offering bursaries to students who are South African citizens interested in pursuing a tertiary qualification in one of the following fields of study:
-Commerce/Financial Management with majors in Accounting/Auditing/Municipal or Local Government Finance
-Organisation and Work Study
-Civil/Electrical Engineering
-Project Management
-Monitoring and Evaluation
-Land Surveying
-Town and Regional Planning
-Information Systems
-Land and Property Development Management
-Strategic Planning
-Spatial Planning
-Forensic Investigations,
-Law and conflict Management, and
-Supply Chain Management/Asset Management

Bursary Requirements:
Applicants must be from KwaZulu-Natal and from disadvantaged backgrounds. To apply kindly submit the following documentation:
Bursary Application Form – This is obtainable from and returnable to the address stated below:
Certified copy of Identity Document
Certified copy of Grade 11 report and the half year results for 2012 showing marks, symbols and percentages, or Certified copy of Senior Certificate if student has already completed their Grade 12
Completed prospectus of intended field of study
Completed study Plan for qualification
Income and Expenditure sheet (to be completed by parents/guardian)

It is the student’s responsibility to seek admission with tertiary institutions and accommodation within University residences. Successful applicants will enter into a three year contract with the Department. The bursary is for full time studies only and covers tuition fees, registration, accommodation, meals and prescribed text books.
ENQUIRIES: Mrs V Moodley/ Mrs J Mchunu/ Mrs H Pitout TELEPHONE: 033-3953181/ 3952340/ 3952302
All applications must be forwarded to:
The Bursary Officer
Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Directorate: Human Capital Development
Private Bag X9078