The CESA Bursary is intended for students in the Concurrent Education program requiring financial assistance for Concurrent Education events and workshops and/or education related professional development activities.
If you would like to apply for a bursary, please complete the application and submit it to the Equity Affairs Commissioners’ mailbox located in the Con-Ed Office or the general mailbox in the door if the office is locked. Please be sure that your application form is printed single-sided and is complete; bursaries will only be awarded if all the mandatory financial information is filled out. All bursary committee members will ensure strict confidentiality.
Also, please note that bursaries will be awarded only for upcoming events. No reimbursement bursaries will be awarded after an event.
The lessons and courses website is a public information website, bringing together a list of all the SETA’s in South Africa, Bursaries, Study Loans and Courses. Find SETA Bursaries here!
Source: Concurrent Education Students’ Association