FNB Bursary Information

FNB Approach

In line with the vision of being a great business helping to create a better world, First National Bank (FNB) views its role within the country as going way beyond that of a major player in the business environment. A big focus for many years has been on adopting initiatives that will make South Africa a better place for all.

A major element in achieving the goal of helping to create a better world is the work of the FNB Fund. The FNB Fund is a significant part of the FirstRand Foundation, which has a ten-year history of giving to the community. The Foundation focuses on the development and empowerment of the broader community through partnerships with best practice non-profit organisations nationwide.

A programmatic approach to giving was introduced in 2007 to streamline the Foundation’s focus areas. This approach has resulted in more well thought-out and meaningful giving as attention is directed to identified strategic focus areas. The new approach will ensure that we make a greater impact on our focus areas.

Focus Area 

The FNB Fund has identified education, early childhood development, hospice and community care programmes as the strategic areas of focus.


From foundation phase to tertiary education, our comprehensive investment in education enables the youth of South Africa to realise their potential and to be equipped to be able to contribute towards the economic development of their country.

Tertiary Bursary Programme

The Fund has identified a pressing need for greater access to tertiary education among financially deserving students who show strong academic potential. The Fund has therefore partnered with reputable bursary service providers to offer access to education, as well as providing extensive mentorship and support to the students.

The bursary programme focuses on the provision of funds for students studying commerce and science degrees. There is no work-back or pay-back condition on the bursaries; these funds are a pure investment by FNB towards developing future leaders.

Students need to contact the bursary service providers directly for more information on how to apply.


Mathematics and Science

The FNB Fund supports quality education at secondary school level, with a focus on Mathematics and Science, recognising the importance of these subjects in obtaining tertiary education qualifications needed by the country.

The objective of this initiative is to improve the performance of previously disadvantaged learners in Mathematics and Science, thus enabling them to study and qualify in disciplines such as medicine, engineering and actuarial science.

Early Childhood Development (ECD)

The FNB Fund recognises the link between an environment that facilitates the holistic development of children and growing healthy citizens. For this reason, the Fund is investing in increasing access to ECD sites and in strengthening and building capacity within the ECD sector.

Reputable non-governmental ECD organisations are partnered with to train ECD practitioners and increase the skills base in the sector. The Fund also facilitates knowledge sharing and skills transfer within the sector.