Hospitality and Tourism SETA Bursaries up for grabs


Tourism & Travel,
Gaming & Lotteries,
Sports Recreation & Fitness,
Arts Culture & Heritage

The Culture, Art, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Seta (CATHSSETA) paid a visit to 25 of CPUT’s most promising Tourism and Hospitality Management students.

They were here to monitor and evaluate the students who are spread across various years of study and are the recipients of over R1 million in bursaries from the SETA.

The CATHSETA funds are being used to pay the students’ tuition fees, textbooks, accommodation, meals and other course related costs.

Fundraising Officer, Khumo Sebola, of CPUT’s Advancement Office, says the partnership between CPUT and the CATHSSETA has made a tangible difference to these student’s lives.

“These students now have the luxury of concentrating solely on their academic coursework, instead of stressing about textbook costs, or where their next meal will come from,” says Sebola.

“It is a sad reality that many of our most academically-deserving students are unable to complete their diplomas and degrees due to unbearable financial pressure. We’re therefore delighted to have hosted the CATHSETA on this evaluation visit, so they can see with their own eyes how beneficiaries are blossoming – all thanks to their generous funding.”

Advancement Director Calvin Maseko echoed these sentiments and expressed his gratitude to the CATHSSETA for their ongoing involvement with the CPUT.

“A bursary is definitely the gift that keeps on giving. These donations give dignity and hope to our talented students and contribute to skills development and socio-economic upliftment in our province and country.”


Students win top prizes

An innovative revamp of an existing solar cooking device has earned CPUT one of the top spots at this year International Xplore New Automation Competition.

A group of Electrical Engineering students scooped first place in the competition’s toughest category – Environment and Renewable Energy.

The team was one of 29 out of 100 selected to compete in the finals that took place in Germany earlier this month.

The team designed and built an automated solar oven power generator, a device that operates off-grid and which can be used to boil water, cook food and power a battery.

Maahir Rahmna, one of the five students in the team, says they are proud of their achievement.

“We won because we had an innovative idea,” he says.

The device is fully automated and features several new fittings, such as an engine that runs entirely on heat, a safety buzzer and several solar panels.