Two Western Cape Province Learnership Programmes Available

Western Cape Province Learnership Programmes 2015

Western_Cape-logoWhilst all the Western Cape Government bursaries for next year (2015) have closed, there are still learnerships available. One is an exciting project that will help WC matriculants who want to get into the public service as a career; the other is for volunteers who want to make a difference in the field of education. Both are for a year.

PAY Learnership Programme

Applications for the Premier’s Advancement of Youth (PAY) Project will be open from 7th to 31st January 2015 and successful applicants will work for the Province for a year from April 2015 until the end of March 2016. This work experience will provide free training, and invaluable experience working for the public service.

The opportunities offered by the Western Cape Province are in keeping with the Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority’s (EtdpSETA) stated mission to ensure that the South African workforce will be “better educated and informed”.

The idea of the PAY Learnership Programme is to help those wanting to start a career in the public service get a new set of skills and get experience that will ultimately make them more employable and more marketable in the sector. Ultimately the programme provides work experience and a year during which participants can make “informed career choices”.

The programme provides public sector, on-the-job training in the full range of provincial departments; specifically in the Department of:

  • the Premier
  • Agriculture
  • Community Safety
  • Cultural Affairs and Sport
  • Economic Development and Tourism
  • Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
  • Health
  • Human Settlements
  • Local Government
  • Social Development
  • Transport and Public Works

as well as in the

  • Provincial Treasury
  • Western Cape Education Department (WCED)

A total of about 750 matriculants from the class of 2014 will secure positions, providing they:

  • Have passed the Western Cape National Senior Certificate this year
  • Are not planning to study next year
  • Are South African citizens who live in the Western Cape
  • Do not have support or any form of network that will help with career choices
  • Are not sure what to do once they have left school
  • Are financially “constrained”
  • Are aged between 18 and 24

If you fit this profile, then bookmark the Western Cape website and diarise the opening and closing dates for applications (7th to 31st January 2015).

Year Beyond Programme

Another learnership opportunity currently being offered by the Western Cape Government is the Year Beyond Programme, an educational enrichment opportunity that involves dedicating 12 months to helping at schools in the province that are underperforming.

While volunteers give there time without remuneration, they get the chance to enhance their economic and social networks, and gain access to work experience. There are also bursary opportunities for the future.

Essentially the Year Beyond learnership programme involves tutoring both primary and secondary school pupils after school hours in subjects they are struggling with, primarily English, mathematics, technology and science. For this reason, it is essential for participants to be committed, motivated and to have been high-achievers at school. Important qualities include:

  • Excellent leadership capabilities
  • Good academic results, particularly in the subjects mentioned above
  • A proven track record that indicates community involvement
  • Good skills when it comes to solving problems
  • The ability to be able to work in an environment that is diverse
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • An innovative and creative flair

The Year Beyond Programme is open to local volunteers and to people from other countries who are no older than 24 years. Applicants must have achieved at least a 60 percent pass in English and maths in matric, and they must have good computer skills. Qualities that are required include personal initiative, leadership skills, courage and the ability to self manage. They must also be able to demonstrate a commitment that they will aim to make a difference and impact on the lives of other people.

Where to find the application form?

Applications for this exciting leadership programme, which runs from January to November 2015, close on 30th November. It is essential to complete the APPLICATION FORM, and then either email it to or deliver to the Western Cape Government Contact Centre in Wale Street in the Cape Town city centre.

Bursaries for Western Cape Students from Disadvantaged Communities

Students from disadvantaged communities in the Western Cape have until the end of this month (October) to apply to the Association for Educational Transformation (ASSET) for bursary & educational and financial support during 2015.

The support will enable them to study, and ultimately find jobs.

ASSET offers two core programmes, one that offers bursaries and the other that offers a learner development programme. Both of these used to be run by the South African Institute of Race Relations in the Western Cape but have been under the auspices of ASSET for the past 11 years. ASSET is a non-profit non-governmental organisation that does what it can to offer educational opportunities in the form of bursaries for Western Cape students from what are known to be disadvantaged communities.

The ASSET Bursary Programme for Western Cape.

Originally established in 1972, the ASSET Bursary Programme gives matriculants much needed financial assistance so that they can apply to study at Western Cape tertiary institutions. The Association is supported by donations and able to help about 500 disadvantaged students every year.

The bursaries themselves vary, and relate to all South Africa’s Skills Education Training Authorities (SETAs), which gives successful candidates an excellent opportunity to further their skills. Generally the finance offered will cover a portion of tuition costs as well as a budget for buying books. Many students then raise loans through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to cover the costs of accommodation in hostels and the shortfall that is not covered by the bursary. ASSET is in partnership with NSFAS and so can help initiate and generate these loans.

As ASSET says in its website, this partnership enables them to offer loan packages “to cover their needs and to help more students than would otherwise be possible.” They also identify the fact that students who get bursaries are encouraged, if not forced, to take responsibility for a portion of the cost of their education. This is seen as an advantage.

Impact of NSFAS on Bursaries for Western Cape Students from Disadvantaged Communities

NSFAS is willing to give a 40 percent rebate to students who take loans and then pass all the courses that they take. Further, the loans are only repayable once the student who took the loan has been employed.

The Learner Development Programme

This programme has been developed to help learners who come from disadvantaged communities achieve full potential when they go to school. The key is that if they can do this, they are more likely to get access to some decent form of higher education and ultimately become employed.

Essentially the LDP aims to provide support, skills and content in the main subjects studied at schools so that the understanding and performance of learners will be improved. They also aim to help students improve their language skills and ultimately find a learning path that will result in a meaningful career.

Rather than offering financial assistance, this programme offers education, it is related to the ETDP SETA specifically in:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Maths literacy
  • Physical and life sciences
  • Accounting
  • Economics

Classes are held on Saturdays, and all the tutors are qualified subject specialists who are experienced in teaching their own particular subject.

There is also a Grade 11 programme that involves job shadowing, open days and motivational camps. They also have spring and winter schools and a number of other initiatives.

Go to ASSET’s website to apply for assistance.