Australien Women Grant 2014

afgwAustralian Fellowship of Graduate Women – 6-12 Month PhD Research Grant – 2014

Australian Federation of Graduate Women (AFGW) is the national voice of graduate women working for the advancement and well-being of women and girls through education. They offer the AFGW Fellowship every second year to women students in any branch of learning.

Grant Overview

The AFGW Fellowship is available to women graduates who are Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia and are enrolled for a PhD degree by research in any Australian university. The funds are to be used for a specific project or purpose for PhD research in any field. The grant enables the successful applicant to fund a specific project for PhD research in any field. The AFGW Fellowship is for 6 to 12 months of work and is intended to enhance the original research on which a postgraduate applicant is already engaged. It is offered for the second and subsequent years of a doctoral program. First year doctoral students and applicants just beginning their research are not eligible.

Conditions of the Fellowship

Within six months of concluding the work undertaken under the tenure of the fellowhsip or grant, the recipient must submit a written report on the work accomplished. The financial assistance given by the AFGW must be acknowledged in any published material embodying the results of the work carried out.

The guidlines and application form will next be available here in December 2013.

Selection Criteria
The selection criteria for all AFGW scholarships comprises the following: academic merit; motivation for research, study or training; originality and feasibility of proposed plan of research, study or training; plan for which the Fellowship or Grant will be used; extent to which the specialized knowledge and skills to be acquired will further the applicant’s career; extent to which the specialised knowledge and skills to be acquired will be of benefit to the community; anticipated employment or activity after completion of the research, study or training; evidence that the applicant has achieved a satisfactory level of research or study progress by having successfully completed the first year of the post-first degree study or research. Please refer to the link above in December 2013 for guidelines and details on the application process for AFGW Fellowship 2014.