Read these conditions carefully, before sending in your bursary application.
- The bursary is only awarded to South African citizens. The bursary application will not be considered unless the applicant has a valid South African ID number.
- The Department of Education will use e-mail or SMS to communicate with bursars. Bursars will be expected to have an e-mail address and if possible a cell phone contact for SMS purposes.
- The bursary will only be awarded if two of the priority area subjects is included as a specialisation in the teaching qualification.
- On qualifying, the bursar will be required to take up a provincial teaching position. The bursar will not be granted permission to defer this contractual obligation, for example, to continue with full-time Honours studies. Nor, will the bursar be granted permission to take a “gap year”.
- One of the contractual obligations of this bursary is that the bursar is required to teach in a provincial teaching post. The bursar is free to choose the province in which he or she would prefer to teach. However, should the province of choice not be able to offer a post, the bursar will then be offered a post in any of the other provinces. To meet the contractual obligations the bursar will have to accept the offer.
- The bursary must be repaid if the recipient fails to qualify, fails to apply for a teaching post with a provincial education department at a public school, fails to take up a teaching post with a provincial education department at a public school, leaves a teaching post with a provincial education department before the end of the contracted service period, or otherwise fails to meet a requirement of the bursary agreement.
- The amount that is repayable is the full amount of the bursary received under the programme, less one year’s funding for every year spent teaching at a public school. Interest will be charged at the rate determined by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) who administer financial aspects of the bursary on behalf of the Department of Education.
- The bursary is awarded for one academic year at a time. On proof of academic success, the bursary may be renewed each year until the recipient of the bursary has qualified as a teacher. The bursary holder will be required to re-apply by the end of October for the following year. Recipients of bursaries will be required to teach one year for every year for which they receive a bursary.
- Bursary applicants must already have been accepted into an approparite qualification at an accredited higher education institution. The applicant must also meet the national selection criteria for the Funza Lushaka bursary.
Selection criteria include the following:
- The applicant’s academic ability;
- Eligibility for an approved degree or PGCE in two of the priority areas;
- Commitment to a teaching career, which includes: interest in working with young people; enthusiasm for a professional career in teaching; readiness to face and surmount difficult challenges; and personal integrity;
- Commitment to teach in any school to which a student may be appointed by a PED.
Everything else being equal, selection should favour candidates from rural areas, candidates who wish to teach in rural areas and candidates whose financial position would otherwise exclude them from enrolment for a teaching qualification.
The priority areas are:
Foundation phase (i.e. Grades R-3): Foundation phase specialization in an Indigenous African Language.
Intermediate and Senior Phase (i.e. Grades 4-9): A teaching major in two of the following: Mathematics; Natural Science; Technology.
FET phase (i.e. Grades 10-12): A teaching major in two of the following:
Accounting; Agricultural Sciences; Agricultural Technology; Civil Technology; Computer Applications Technology; Economics; Electrical Technology; Engineering Graphics and Design; Geography; Information Technology; Life Sciences; Mathematics; Mechanical Technology; Physical Sciences.
NB. The above terms and conditions must be read, understood and accepted, before sending in your bursary application