Investec Bursary 2015

The Investec Bank CSI Bursary Programme 2015

The Investec Bank CSI Bursary Programme
* Without the right opportunities, potential remains potential.
* A university education is the key to a better future.

Investec, in partnership with Studietrust, offers partial bursaries to students who aim to study full time towards an undergraduate degree in Commerce, Business Science, Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology or a Commercial LLB. These degrees represent fields of relevance to the financial services and other key industries.

♦   Instructions for submission of application forms 
º   Applications will only be considered if completed in full and signed by the applicant and if all the supporting documents have been included.
º   Documents that accompany the application form must be certified
·  South African ID
·  Grade 11 results
·  This year’s June results (or your latest results if you are not studying this year)
·  Official Matric/ NSC results if you have completed Grade 12
·  Tertiary students: June results or progress report of all subjects (if no examinations were written)
·  Payslips for your parent(s)/ guardian if employed (or letter from employer and sworn statement or tax return statement stating income)
·  Latest financial statements if your parent/ guardian is self-employed
·  Sworn affidavits if your parent(s)/ guardian is/ are unemployed
·  Death certificates if your parent(s) is/ are deceased
·  Divorce certificate if your parents are divorced
·  Sworn statement from one parent if your parents are separated

♦   Selection criteria for selected educational institutions  
º   The main criteria for the selection of applications are financial need and academic potential.
º   Bursary applications are invited from young people who aim to study full time towards an undergraduate university (academic) degree in:
·  Commerce (Economics, Business Economics, Accounting, Investments and Finance),
·  BCom Informatics,
·  BSc Computer Science,
·  BSc Information Technology,
·  BIT-Bachelors of Information Technology,
·  BIS-Bachelor of Information Science,
·  Business Science,
·  Science and Mathematics, Engineering or Commercial LLB
»  Students who apply for an Engineering degree may be considered for the Sasol Inzalo Foundation Bursary should they qualify.
»  Only first year Actuarial Science students already at university will be considered.
º   Academic selection criteria:
·  Applicants currently in Grade 12 and applicants already in possession of a National Senior certificate should have obtained at least 50% in all
their subjects with a minimum of 60% in Mathematics (not Maths Literacy) and 60% in English.
·  NB: Please apply timeously for admission to the educational institution of your choice. Consult the websites of the universities for application deadlines.
º   When completing the application form, please clearly specify the exact degree programme for which you need a bursary, the name of the educational institution where you plan to study and the year of study.
º   Bursaries will only be offered to applicants who are currently in Grade 12 or in their first year of University.
º   Changing your degree programme after submitting your application form may lead to a cancellation of the bursary, if granted.
º   No bursaries are available for private tertiary institutions.

♦   Bursary amounts 
The bursary amounts are reviewed and are subject to change every year. To give you an idea, in the 2014 academic year the amounts were as follows:
º   Investec offered a partial bursary of R75,000 towards study related expenses.
º   Successful candidates could apply through the Financial Aid Office of their university of choice or through Studietrust for a study loan from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to cover the shortfall (the maximum amount in 2014 was R60 000). Terms and conditions apply.

♦   Application procedure 
Applicants could either complete the online application form or request a hardcopy application form to be sent by e-mail or surface mail.
º   For applying online, please follow this link. Indicate in the relevant space that you are applying for an Investec bursary.
º   For receiving an application form by e-mail, please request one in one of two ways:
·  sms the word INVESTEC and your surname, initials and e-mail address to 31022. Standard rates apply.
·  send an e-mail message (“Please send me an Investec bursary application form”) to
·  apply online at our Online Application Feature (preferred method).
º   For requesting a hardcopy application form to be sent to you by surface mail, you may select any of the following methods:
·  sms the word INVESTEC and your surname, initials, postal address and postal code to 31022. Standard rates apply.
·  send an e-mail message with your surname, initials, postal address and postal code to .
·  send a letter with your surname, initials, postal address and postal code to: The National Director, Studietrust, PO Box 29192, Melville, 2109.

♦   Closing dates: 
º   The closing date for requesting an application form is 15 September.
º   The closing date for submitting your completed application form with all supporting documents is 30 September. This deadline applies to all modes of application.

♦   Acknowledgement of receipt 
All applicants will be notified of the outcome by sms not later than 21 December. Please contact Studietrust only if you have not had a response by 15 January 2015.