MICTSETA – Bursary scheme Info

Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT Seta) – Bursary Scheme


The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) has partnered with the Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT Seta) in support of skills development initiatives for the youth of South Africa.

The partnership entails two programmes, a bursary scheme for students as well as an internship programme for unemployed graduates. In line with NFVF’s mandate to provide and encourage the provision of opportunities for persons especially from disadvantaged communities to be involved in the film industry and with MICT Seta’s skills plan to address the issue of the shortages of adequately skilled persons from the same communities in key areas,the objective of the partnership is to the address the issue of the scarcity of skills within the film and television sector.within these groups.

This inaugural partnership has seen 20 interns and 135 students benefiting from the initiatives. The beneficiaries were revealed at a function held at Sandton Sun in Johannesburg today June 19th 2013.. The interns were shortlisted from thousands of applications received and the final selection was made from the interviews that were conducted.

The 20 interns have been placed at different organizations for their work experience, six interns are at the NFVF, ten at SABC and four at Quizzical Pictures. The placements were made on the basis of their academic qualifications and areas of intended career focus. The internship programme will run for a period of eight months, affording the interns an opportunity for permanent employment should there be a vacancy relevant to their field. In terms of the bursary scheme, the selected students are enrolled for film and television related qualifications at various accredited South African institutions of higher learning.

NFVF CEO Zama Mkosi said this is a very important initiative in terms skills development and exposing graduates to the work environment which increases their chances of being employable. “One of the biggest challenge we have in this country is unemployment and a contributing factors to this challenge is the fact that graduates often lack the basic work experience that entry level jobs require, and they find themselves not sufficiently meeting the job requirements. The NFVF is very honoured to to be making a contribution in an effort to close this gab. We hope that all the interns will enjoy and learn a lot from the experience they will receive at the organizations at which they have been placed. To the bursary recipients, we wish them all the best in their academic life. May they use this opportunity to lay a good foundation for their respective careers,” says Mkosi.

Source: www.filmcontact.com/

MICT Seta will conduct site visits to organizations where interns are placed as well as to tertiary institutions where students are enrolled. The purpose of such visits would be to monitor the progress of the two programmes and to ensure that the set objectives are met.

“In allocating grant funding towards government agencies such as NFVF for this project, the MICT SETA is well on track in redressing South Africa’s MICT Skills gaps and ensuring that access to specialized professions such as Electronic Media and Film are created for our young people,” says Mr. Oupa Mopaki, CEO of the MICT SETA

For more information about the internship programme contact Lindi Ntontela and for bursaries contact Pretty Mthiyane.