NSFAS – Bursary Application

NSFAS Bursary Application Form


2015 second semester NSFAS online applications (FOR PILOT INSTITUTIONS ONLY) are now opened.

Please note that application for UNISA students will close on the 30th of April 2015.

Second semester applications are ONLY open for following institutions and applications will close on the 29th of May 2015


◦Durban University of Technology

◦Ekurhuleni East TVET College

◦King Hintsa TVET College

◦Motheo TVET College

◦South Cape TVET College

◦Umfolozi TVET College




◦Durban University of Technology

◦Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

◦Sol Plaatje University

◦University of Mpumalanga

◦University of South Africa

◦University of Venda

◦Ekurhuleni East TVET College

◦King Hintsa TVET College

◦Motheo TVET College

◦South Cape TVET College

◦Umfolozi TVET College


If you are applying for NSFAS financial aid for the FIRST TIME at any of these universities or colleges in the NSFAS pilot phase, please apply here

If you are a RETURNING student funded by NSFAS in 2014, you MUST NOT APPLY again.  We have your details and will get your results from the university or college.

If you are a RETURNING student who did not receive NSFAS funding in 2014 or before, please apply online.

RETURNING students who were funded by NSFAS in previous years but not in 2014 may apply online.


Please keep these ready to upload. At the end of the application form

you will be informed as to which documents are required.

Please attach certified copies of the following documents: (All the certified copies of income must not be older than 3 months)

Your documents can be certified at the South African Police Service or the South African Post Office.

* If you are under the age of 18 or if you are 18 and older and are still dependent on the household income of your parent or legal guardian, then this also applies to you.

Certified proof of bank account. This can be a bank statement or a letter from the bank where you have your account. YES
Certified copy of your Identity Document. YES
*Certified copy of Identity Document of each household member including parents or legal guardian. YES
If you are younger than 16 years of age and do not have a green bar-coded ID, you must submit a certified copy of your birth certificate. YES
If you have been exempted from paying school fees, please provide a letter from the school informing NSFAS that you have been exempted. YES
*Certified or official copy of recent payslip, letter of employment, not older than three months, of each of your parents, or the person who supports you, or your guardian or yourself if you are employed. This is for all types of employment. Proof of income of all members of the household.  This includes any income received from SASSA grants, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), or any retirement, life, disability or other benefits paid as a lump sum or in monthly payments. YES
Proof of residence – such as water and electricity accounts or other accounts. NO
*If your parents or the person who supports you or your legal guardian are retired, please provide a copy of an official pension slip or bank statement showing pension payment. YES
*If your parents or the person who supports you or your legal guardian works as an informal trader, please provide an affidavit signed by them to confirm this employment. YES
If either of your parents is deceased, please provide a certified copy of the death certificate. NO
If your parents are divorced or separated, please provide a statement detailing the maintenance order. YES
If your parents are divorced, please provide a certified copy of the divorce decree. NO
If either of your parents does not live at home, please provide an affidavit explaining the reasons. NO
If you are supported by someone who is not your parent or legal guardian, please provide an affidavit explaining the reasons. YES
*Certified copy of a SASSA letter if any of your family members are receiving a social grant and are also contributing to your household income.  This also applies to your legal guardian. YES
*If you have indicated that a dependant in your household is a student, please provide proof of registration or acceptance at the university or FET college for each dependant. YES
If you have a disability, please complete the supporting documentsAnnexure A and Annexure B and submit them with your application form. YES
Certified copy of your latest academic transcript or exam results. If you are currently in Grade 12 you are exclude from this requirement. YES


How to apply

Who may apply for financial aid?

South African citizens who have the academic potential to succeed at university or FET college, and require financial assistance to pay for their studies.

General instructions

•             Please read these notes carefully before completing the Online Bursary Application Form. Make sure that you read every section and that the information you provide is accurate.

•             If you need career guidance before you fill in the Application Form, please go to the South African Qualifications Authority website. Click here for SAQA website.

•             You must write your identity (ID) number in the top right-hand corner on every page of all your supporting documents.

•             You will need to attach documents to support your application. Click here to see a list of documents you will need before you can fill in the NSFAS Online Application Form.

•             NSFAS will only process the first application that we receive. Please do not submit more than one application unless NSFAS requests you to do so.

•             NSFAS requires a cell phone number or email address in order to communicate with you during the application process.

•             If you do not already have an email address, you can create a free email account on at www.gmail.com or at www.yahoo.co.za or any other free email service.

•             If your application is successful, NSFAS will use the cell phone number which you fill in on the application form to pay some of your student allowances.

Closing dates

Annual, first semester & first trimester registrations

The closing date for application submissions and all completed required documents, for new applicants and learners, is 30 November 2014 for the 2015 academic year.

The closing date for application submission and all completed required documents for existing university or TVET college non-NSFAS students for the following academic year is 30 November 2014


How do I send my required documents for my Online Application to NSFAS?

Your required documents can be sent to NSFAS using one of the following channels within the prescribed closing dates:

1. Scan or email your required documents to NSFAS using the following email address: apply@nsfas.org.za
2. Post your required documents to NSFAS: Private Bag X4, Plumstead, 7801.



Online applications submitted without required documentation will be accepted but will not be processed until the supporting documents are received.

Required documents without an identity number will not be processed.


Application assistance

If you require assistance in completing your application form then contact:

The NSFAS contact centre on 0860 067 327, or

The FAO at the university or FET college that you wish to study at.


Disability assistance
If you have a disability, you must complete Annexures A and B and submit them with your application form.

You must provide proof of your disability and a quotation for assistive devices as required documents with the bursary application form.

Funding for assistive devices follows the same approval process as for financial aid. If you are successful in your application for financial aid and you have received notice of the final approval amount from NSFAS,

you may arrange to purchase your assistive device through the student disability unit at the university or FET college where you are going to study.
The university or FET college can purchase the assistive device on your behalf. Please contact NSFAS on 0860 067 327

or visit your university student disability unit to get information about providers of assistive devices.

Source: http://www.nsfas.org.za/