Shoprite Has a Number of Bursary Opportunities Available for 2015

Shoprite Bursary Opportunities 2015

Shoprite currenShoprite_logotly has five bursary opportunities  available for 2015. The closing dates have not been specified, so if you are interested, send in your application as soon as possible.

Shoprite bursaries vary in value depending on the studies chosen as well as the institution. Generally they are worth anything from R30,000 to R60,000 and will cover tuition fees and books, and if there is money left over, accommodation as well. Extra-curricular and additional modules may also be covered if funds are available after everything else has been paid. However, any student who fails a module will be expected to repeat it at their own expense.

Pay-back comes in the form of working for Shoprite for every year the student has been awarded the bursary. Anyone who leaves the company before completing the work-back obligation will have to repay the company a pro rata amount of what is still “owed” for the bursary. Those who fulfil their commitment will have the opportunity to continue working for the Shoprite Group, which doubles with the opportunity to grow a career within the group.

The Shoprite bursary opportunities fall within the ambits of several different Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs). These include the Financial, Accounting, Management, Consulting and other Financial Services SETA (FassetSETA ) and the Wholesale and Retail SETA (W&RSETA)

The five bursary opportunities currently on offer are available to study:

1. Accounting (CA stream)
2. Retail business and hospitality management
3. Bachelor of Pharmacy or pharmacy technician
4. Information technology
5. Logistics and the supply chain

Internal applicants will be given preference over external applicants.

Accounting (CA Stream)

This bursary is worth between R55,000 and R60,000 and may be taken up anywhere in South Africa. The job category is accounting, and the bursary aims to attract talented chartered accounting students whom they hope will then become part of the company’s financial team once they have completed their studies. It is available for first, second, and third year students, as well as honours students.

The bursary requires successful completion of studies with an average pass of 60 percent during the first six months of a Bachelor of Accounting or Bachelor of Commerce degree that leads to a CTA that will qualify the student to register for articles.

Retail Business/Hospitality Management

This bursary is worth between R30,000 and R50,000 and is also available throughout the country. It aims to attract and fund students who will become trainee retail managers and follow lucrative management careers in the retail industry. It is also available for first, second, and third year students, as well as honours students.

The bursary requirements are the same as the previous one (a 60 percent average) but relate to a national diploma in retail business/hospitality management or an equivalent qualification.

Bachelor of Pharmacy/Pharmacy Technician

This bursary is worth between R30,000 and R60,000 and like the previous two is available throughout South Africa. It is hoped that the bursary will attract talented pharmacy technician and pharmacy students who are passionate about getting into health care within the retail industry. It is also available for first, second, and third year students, as well as honours students.

The bursary requirements are the same as the previous two but relate to a bachelors degree in pharmacy or relevant pharmacy technician or technical assistant qualification.

Information Technology

This bursary is worth between R45,000 and R60,000 but is only available in Brackenfell in the Western Cape. It is specifically for information technology (IT) students and the company hopes that it will attract innovative programmers with a vision and passion to ensure “dynamic outputs” in an industry that is well known for ongoing change. Like all the previous bursaries listed, it is available for first, second, and third year students, as well as honours students.

The bursary requirements are the same as the previous ones but relate to a relevant three-year IT-programming qualification.

Logistics/Supply Chain

This bursary is worth between R45,000 and R60,000. It available for study either in Brackenfell (Western Cape) or in Centurion (Gauteng).

The bursary is available for first, second, and third year students, as well as honours students, and the hope is that it will attract people who will become specialists in the supply chain or in logistics.

The bursary requires successful completion of the very first six months of the degree – a bachelor of commerce in logistics (quantitative management) and industrial engineering; or a bachelor of science majoring in operational research; or a related qualification or degree.

So if you’re keen, don’t delay, apply today. Good luck.

Application Forms are Available from the Shoprite Website

Shoprite has bursary application forms on its website.

Trudon Offers Bursaries to IT, Multimedia and Digital Media Students

Trudon Bursaries 2015

Trudon, the company that publishes South Africa’s Yellow Pages, is offering bursaries to IT and various design and media-related students who are currently studying for undergraduate degrees. The closing date is October 31, 2014.

Bursaries are open to:

  • Trudon employees who have worked for the company for more than 12 months.

  • The children of Trudon employees.

  • Previously disadvantaged external candidates who do not have existing links with the company.

The company also has a graduate programme that gives successful students who have participated in their bursary programme “a potential career start”. This involves external candidates working for Trudon for a year after graduation. In addition they offer “study funding” to employees who want to increase their knowledge and “expand their horizons”.

Job opportunities are also available on an ongoing basis.

Anyone who is successful in their bursary application will have both registration fees and tuition fees covered. They will receive a book allowance, and where applicable residence fees may be coverd.

SETA Backing

The Media Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (Mict SETA) is responsible for the skills development and accreditation standards set for all providers of education and training for the following sectors:

  • Advertising

  • Electronic media and film

  • Electronics

  • Information technology (IT)

  • Telecommunications

The Trudon Mission as an Employer

Trudon actively looks for “new media talent” and in return they can offer a dynamic and exciting work environment as well as substantial funding that will help learners in this field further their studies and complete their tertiary education.

From initially being an well-established and reputable print-media organisation, Trudon is now a leading multimedia company, opening the door to people with skills in this new work arena. Career opportunities the company offers spans a range of related areas including accounting, customer care, human resources, logistics, marketing and sales. Their focus though is on ecommerce, information management, multimedia design and what they term “online and search”.

Once in the employ of Truton, people are invited to write their won “career scripts”. And this is where the internal bursaries come in.

Undergraduate Degrees that Qualify Students

Second and third year students who are aiming for a degree in the following fields may apply for a bursary:

  • IT management, information management, economics and econometrics, or informatics

  • Informatics and computer science, or IT

  • Digital media studies

  • Multimedia design

The specific bachelor degrees covered are Information Science (in multimedia and publishing) and Graphic Design.

Applicants must have achieved an overall minimum result of 60 percent, and also a minimum 60 percent pass in their major subjects. This will apply to first year results for those applying for second year studies, and to second year results for those applying for funds for third year studies.

While all applications are decided on “merit”, Trudon does point out that it will give African, Coloured and Indian students preference.

For Those Who Qualify

Academic performance is important and the company reviews the situation after examinations, and bursaries are renewed annually.

Once a student has graduated, he or she must work for Trudon for a year. This does not include in-service periods of training. In the event of a graduate refusing to accept the employment contract, all money outlaid for study fees will have to be repaid.

Application forms are available from Trudon online

Side Note: cire trudon should not be confused with trudon South Africa, Trudin South African is the official reseller of advertising space for telkom’s yellow pages. cire trudon (cire trudon candles) is a french company who manufacture candles.

Trudon careers

The South African Weather Service Has Bursaries for 2015

The South African Weather Service Bursary.

Matriculants and graduates who meet the SA Weather Service requirements have been invited to apply for bursaries for 2015. Application Form. There are four areas of study, and all applications must be submitted by October 21st 2014. Successful applications will know within a month if their applications have been accepted.

The South African Weather Service provides information about general weather forecasts as well as shipping and aviation forecasts. They give weather warnings, make observations, and provide general climate information. The jobs the Service offers relate directly to the study areas that they are encouraging.

The areas of study are:
• Weather observations
• Meteorology
• Science
• Weather forecasting

Weather Observations Bursaries for 2015

Bursaries that provide ten months training in weather observation at the South African Weather Service Meteorological Training Institute in Pretoria are available to students who have a Matric (Grade 12) certificate with E symbols or higher in both physical science and mathematics (not just maths literacy).
Studies will begin in February next year (2015) and training will be in all the various aspects of weather observation. These are specified in the requirements for the South African National Certificate in Weather Observation (SAQA QUAL ID no 58995).

Once training is complete there will be the possibility of employment at a Weather Service regional office. These are in Calvinia, Cape Town, De Aar, Ermelo, George, Irene, Kimberley, OR Thambo, Port Elizabeth, and Upington.

Any candidates hoping for employment should be aware that it will involve shift work and one of the employment requirements is a valid driving license. If you are planning to apply for a bursary, and don’t have a driver’s license, you will need to get one at your own cost before the end of next year.

In it’s advertisement for bursaries for 2015, the SA Weather Service points out that it is “an equal opportunity employer”, and that it will give preference to women and people from “previously disadvantaged” communities.
All applicants will be expected to provide a certified copy of their national certificate as well as a testimonial. Successful applicants will be asked to sign a bursary contract with the SA Weather Service.

Meteorology Bursaries

Studies in meteorology involve an introduction to the subject in the form of a one-year Bachelor of Science “bridging course”, as well as the possibility of then going on to study for an honours degree in meteorology, with a post-grad certificate that qualifies them to do weather forecasting.
Graduates with a Bachelor of Science degree (three years) who have majored in relevant subjects including physics, applied mathematics, mathematics, oceanography, or specific meteorological-related subjects may apply for a meteorological bursary that will cover a one-year course during which they will study basic meteorology. They must at very least have completed mathematics on level 2 and physics on level 1.
Study will be at Pretoria University and the course will begin in February next year (2015).
Some successful graduates will be offered the opportunity to continue studying the BSc honours course in meteorology that will enable them to get a post graduate certificate in weather forecasting.

Bachelor of Science Bursaries

Students who have already registered with the university to study, as well as those who have already applied to the University of Pretoria to study for a BSc degree, may apply for these bursaries. Either a letter of confirmation or proof of registration will be required by the SA Weather Service.

Subjects specified are meteorology, oceanography, agrometeorology, air quality, atmospheric science and climatology.
Anyone with a Matric (Grade 12) certificate who achieved a C symbol for physical science and mathematics is invited to apply for a bursary. Those with the old “higher grade” certificate in both physics and mathematics may also apply.

Forecasting Internships

Graduates with an honours degree in atmospheric sciences or meteorology may apply for this bursary. However graduates must have achieved a pass in first year university level physical science and second-year university level mathematics. The course, which also starts in February next year (2015), involves a year’s internship to train in forecasting, and will take place at the SA Weather Service’s head offices in Pretoria.
Applicants are required to provide certified copies of their SA ID document, their Matriculation results, and academic records that will prove subject choices at university level. They will also be required to have a basic computer literacy level, and be capable of good interpersonal relations.

Candidates will be short-listed and only successful candidates will be contacted by the Weather Service.